Sec. 15-41-42b. Waiver
No person shall make an intentional parachute jump from an aircraft unless a waiver has been issued by the commissioner of transportation or the parachute jump is made onto a licensed parachute jump center except as follows:
Jumps made necessary because of an aircraft in-flight emergency. [Wheww...]
Applications for a waiver shall be made on appropriate forms supplied by the Department of Transportation and shall include a signed letter of permission from the property owner upon whose property is located the drop zone area. Application for a waiver shall be made at least fourteen days in advance of the proposed event. [Seriously, why should the nanny state need to regulate this? I'm the one staking my life of some nylon fabric and cord by jumping out of the airplane!]Military jumps under the control and direction of the United States Department of Defense or the Connecticut Military Department.
Sec. 15-41-41. Photographic permit
For any photographic flight necessitating flying at an altitude less than that required by law or regulation, the pilot shall obtain a photographic permit from the department. A permit issued for this purpose does not waive any federal law or regulation [I don't understand this law. Does CT have minimum altitude laws stricter than the FARS? Otherwise, it's kind of pointless, huh?].
Sec. 15-41-18. Airport Establishment
Any municipality or other political subdivision, or officer or employee thereof, or any person, company or association of persons, acquiring property for the purpose of constituting or establishing an airport shall, in order to insure that the property and its use shall conform to minimum standards of safety and shall serve the public interest, make application to the department for approval setting forth the general purpose or purposes for which the property is to be acquired. The applicant shall state in clear and concise language the exact location of the proposed airport, making reference to known and established landmarks, the extent and ownership of the property, including metes and bounds, the size of the proposed landing area and airport environs, the nature of the terrain, whether the adjacent area is free from obstructions based on the glide ratio set forth hereinafter, and any other pertinent data which will enable the department to evaluate the proposal. In addition, the applicant shall furnish a detailed plan of the proposed facility, showing the possibilities for future expansion.
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